FIND THE ROW Find the Row helps children learn to organize and classify categories using images. Children describe and compare an assignment strip and the three small cards that belong with it, observing volume, width, height, and more. This game inspires the use of descriptive words which help to increase children’s math vocabulary. Self checking. Contents: 10 assignment cards, 30 small cards, teaching card, sturdy wood storage box. E523121 $59.95 DIAGRAM VOLUME Help students learn about concepts such as ”more than” and “less than”, by creating rows that show the gradual increase or decrease in volume. Sort the images in the diagram from empty to full and vice versa. Contents: 25 plastic tiles, teaching card, wooden frame board. E523192 $14.95 MINI - MIDI - MAXI This mini-midi-maxi activity explores the differences between objects and figures from the easiest definitions of small, medium, and large, to higher level comparisons such as ‘larger than’, ‘smaller than’, ‘equally large’, and more. Self-checking. Contents: 4 wood stands, 36 wood figures, 24 assignment strips, 9 cards for the matrix game, 4 small game boards, 8 assignment cards, teaching card, sturdy wood storage box. E305000 $59.95 TIME AND PLANNING EXTENSION PACK MATHEMATICAL PLAY CAUSE AND EFFECT Young learners will gain practice deciding what happened first and last by analyzing the scene and arranging image cards next to the story board. When correct, cards turned over onto the board reveal a large image. Image card sets are coded to story boards by a matching symbol. Self-checking. Contents: 8 story boards, 64 image cards, sturdy wood box for storage. E522340 $67.95 4+ OPERATIONS APPLE TREE COUNTING SET Assignment board trees each have 10 holes and are assigned numerals from 1 - 10. Children use green and red apples to fill the tree with the needed amount. Adding apples to trees is a tactile and vivid way to learn number combinations. Contents: 10 wood assignment boards with trees, 60 red and green apple pegs, teaching card, sturdy wood storage box. E342900 $59.95 3+ 3+ SORTING AND SERIALIZING 4+ SPATIAL ORIENTATION 5+ VOLUME 13