Our dedicated and knowledgeable customer experience specialists are available (in French and English) to help place your orders and answer all of your questions. Our phone support and online live chat hours of operation are 8:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. EST (8:00-4:00 p.m. PST).


Let's chat

Call us toll free at: 1-800-268-1268 or for local calls: (905) 778-8584

You can also reach us on our live chat. Just click the blue chat tab at the bottom of your screen.


Send us an email

Information (info@wintergreen.ca)

Sales - General Inquiries (sales@wintergreen.ca)

Customer Service (custserv@wintergreen.ca)

Accounts Receivable (accrec@wintergreen.ca)

Quotes (quotes@wintergreen.ca)


Contact your local Sales Consultant:

Marcel Gagne - National Sales Manager: marcel@wintergreen.ca

Sydney Doyle - Regional Manager, Atlantic Canada: sydney@wintergreen.ca

Melissa Gould - Senior Regional Manager, Ontario-Southwestern : melissa@wintergreen.ca

Chanel O'Malley - Regional Manager, Ontario-Eastern, Central: chanel@wintergreen.ca

Brent Craddock - Regional Manager, Ontario-Greater Toronto Area: bcraddock@wintergreen.ca

Caron Allary - Regional Manager, Saskatchewan and Manitoba: callary@wintergreen.ca

Tammy Adams - Regional Manager, Alberta: tadams@wintergreen.ca

Judy Maas - Regional Manager, British Columbia-Interior, Okanagan: jmaas@wintergreen.ca

Chlorice Celman - Regional Manager, British Columbia-Lower mainland: ccelman@wintergreen.ca

Peter Flynn - President, Mindset Learning Tools: peter@wintergreen.ca


Fax us



We love getting mail

Wintergreen Learning Materials 
3075 Line 8, RR 2
Bradford, ON 
L3Z 3R5 

You can also check out our frequently asked questions page or use the questions/comments form below and one of our customer experience specialists will direct your inquiry to the proper person. 

We look forward to hearing from you. 

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