b'28 Mathmastering basic skillsGrade Level K 1 2 3 4 5TT874X\x1fACCELERATE LEARNING MATH KITS - COMPLETE SETPacked with tons of engaging materials, our thoughtfully designed kits accelerate learning by focusing on the foundational skills needed for grade-level work!You get all 3 kits listed below, each with everything showngreat for small-group lessons, one-on-one instruction, targeted tutoring and more.Activity cards are 5 12 " x 8 12 ".529.95Grade Level K 1 2TT855\x1fAccelerateLearning Addition &Subtraction KitA toolbox filled with manip-ulatives,areproducible book of word problems, a hands-on math machine andsomuchmoreour kithasallyouneedto acceleratelearningand buildessentialaddition and subtraction skills!You even get 12 activity cards featuringhelpfulinforma-tion for using the materials tofocusonpriorityskills andaddressunfinished learning.174.95Grade Level 1 2 3TT863\x1fAccelerateLearning Place Value KitBoostkidsunderstanding andreinforceimportant placevalueconcepts with ourall-in-onemathkitfeaturingeverythingfrom afun-to-playgameand tons of magnetic manipu-lativestoawrite&wipe puzzle book and hands-on workmats!Plus,the 12activitycardsinclude ideas for using the materi-als,practiceproblemsand morealldesignedto addressunfinishedlearn-ing and emphasize priority skills.174.95Grade Level 3 4 5TT861\x1fAccelerateLearning Multiplication &Division KitOur skill-building kit is filled witheverythingneededto addressunfinishedlearning and boost students under-standing of multiplication and divisionfromfactflash cardsandawrite&wipe book with fun math puzzles to area tiles, number dice, a timer and more!Plus, the 12activitycardsfeature ideasforusingthevisual modelsandhands-on manipulatives to really bring math concepts to lifeand reinforceessentialpriority skills.189.95Lakeshore'